The body's energy centers are known as the 7 chakras. They are found within the astral body, going up the spine from the base to the top of the skull. Our physical body's energy body is called the celestial body. There is a cosmic body portion for every physical body part. You cannot see or touch the astral body. We cannot perceive the 7 chakras because of this as well.
The 7 chakras emit a specific color and energy. Each one corresponds to an actual gland in the body. According to popular belief, blockages or malfunctions in the 7 chakras can cause physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual illnesses since each chakra corresponds to distinct transcendental, emotional, mental, and physical elements of our existence. On the other side, it is said that being mindful of and balancing these energy centers results in happiness and good health.
It is believed that the 7 chakras offer a subtle energy that promotes the optimal function of your organs, mind, and intellect. Although the 7 chakras and spiritual energy have not been adequately investigated in medical studies, they may aid in understanding your mind and body, just like any religion or belief. The 7 chakras mentioned above relate to yoga's goal. Yoga aims to open and align these chakras, bodily energy centers, via asana practice.
7 Chakras
We often hear about the "7 chakras," yet the human body contains many chakras. Each of the 7 chakras has a particular vibration, color, symbol, and sound attached to it. Your physical, mental, and emotional health may manifest differently depending on whether these energy centers are open or blocked. As they manifest in the body, the seven primary chakras are:
1. Root chakra, or the Muladhara Chakra.
2. Svadhishthana Chakra, or the Sacral Chakra.
3. Manipura Chakra, or the Solar Plexus Chakra.
4. Heart chakra is called Anahata Chakra.
5. Mouth chakra, or Vishuddha Chakra.
6. Third Eye Chakra is the Ajna Chakra.
7. The Crown Chakra is the Sahastrara Chakra.
Physical Realization of Chakras
The 7 Chakras, Blockages and Symptoms
Root Chakra
The first and most important of the 7 chakras, known as the root chakra or Muladhara in Sanskrit, is said to be situated near the base of your spine. It is associated with the element earth and the color red.
The root chakra is supposed to govern sentiments of survival, ambition, reliance, and stability and how you relate to the outside world. Being the primary source of energy, its imbalance can result in emotions of intense dread and uncertainty that undermine your drive for success and leave you feeling frustrated and purposeless. When the root chakra is in harmony, it fosters emotions of confidence, well-being, vigor, independence, and strength.
Sacral Chakra
The svadhisthana chakra is the second of the 7 chakras, which emanates orange light and stands for the element of water, and is located beneath the navel. According to traditional beliefs, the sacral chakra governs sexuality, creativity, intuition, self-worth, empathy, and adaptability. It is said that emotional reactions, a lack of imagination, and an increase in sex-related ideas are signs of an unbalanced sacral chakra.
Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra is the third of the 7 chakras, also known as Manipura, or "city of jewels" in Sanskrit, and is sand aid to be located between the ribs and the navel. It has a golden hue and is associated with the fire element. The solar plexus chakra, according to those who subscribe to the chakra theory, is where emotions like ego, rage, and violence are stored. It is believed to manifest physically as diabetes, liver difficulties, or intestinal issues. When the solar plexus chakra is out of balance emotionally, sadness and poor self-esteem are said to result. When it is in balance, it may be a source of vitality, productivity, and self-assurance.
Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is the fourth of the 7 chakras and is said to be located in the center of the circulatory system and is linked to organs like the heart and lungs. Lower chakras are linked to higher chakras through the heart chakra. It is green, and the air is its element. The heart chakra is thought to be connected to empathy, faith, ardor, and love of oneself and others. Anger, a lack of trust in others, anxiety, envy, fear, and moodiness result from an unbalanced anahata chakra. High blood pressure, heart palpitations, and other cardiac issues are said to be caused by an overactive heart chakra.
Mouth Chakra
The fifth of the 7 chakras, the throat chakra, or vishuddha, is said to control the throat, mouth, tongue, neck, and other parts of the throat region. The throat chakra's color is blue, and ether is its element. The Vishuddha chakra is associated with self-expression, communication, and confidence. By achieving harmony in the throat chakra, one may control the release of hormones and improve the communication of inner thoughts.
Third Eye Chakra
The sixth of the 7 chakras, commonly known as the Ajna chakra or third eye, is located in the area between the eyebrows. The color indigo symbolizes the third eye, even though it has no connection to any specific element. It is said that the third eye chakra, which is frequently employed as a focal point during asana practice, governs your intellect, intuition, wisdom, and spiritual energy. By this theory, you might be able to see links between the physical world and the hereafter if the Ajna chakra is open and balanced. According to some, migraines, headaches, or blurry vision are symptoms of a third eye chakra blockage. It's thought that the Ajna chakra releases you from attachments.
Crown Chakra
The image of the Crown Chakra is an inverted triangle surrounded by a circle with hundreds of lotus petals. The ascent of divinity into the Crown Chakra, which brings about spiritual liberty and enlightenment, is represented by this. Violet and white are used to symbolize it.
Since the crown chakra is the seat of spirituality, enlightenment, and energy thinking, opening it is supposed to help one connect with their higher self. It is linked to cosmic knowledge and personal wisdom. The crown chakra is said to affect sadness, a sense of isolation from the outer world, irritability, and negative emotions when out of balance.